Some of you often wonder what a plant based person eats in a day, some of you already eat plant based and wonder like I do, what other plant based people eat. This will be a lighter post than the last couple I have written lately! I hope you enjoy this information and it helps you to create new ideas about what kind of foods will get your taste buds excited and energized while you build a new repertoire of recipes for you and your family.
The Wounded Healer, What Is It?
In case you haven’t heard of this archetype of a person, the Wounded Healer is simply one who has been through a massive bunch of life shit. After many years of broken hearts, damage and broken dreams, then therapy, and then the bolstering of self-confidence because we simply knew we had to overcome and triumph, we now can hold ourselves up with strength and great confidence that we “got this.” We not only made it through to the other side but now hold ourselves confidently with a staff of Knowing.
What about Ascension, Earth Momma? Part 1 of ?
In this life of our ascension, there are three other elements that appear to be transmuting our way and helping us find our path.
When I Write I Feel More Vulnerable
It’s true! It’s just like talking to a huge crowd of people. People will hear exactly what you think, your motives, your true intentions. (main image from, John Iglar) Is it because I was raised with the philosophy that when you speak up everyone will know that you are the fool that they thought …
Funny Thing About Naming Stuff
I was thinking this morning about naming my latest painting and how to convey in a few words a title that could possibly express my emotions around the image I created. When I created the artwork, I was creating from some other indescribable place in my mind. Another dimension, if you will. I believe this place is also where we dream, where we go when we don’t use words very often but mostly symbols, visuals and actions taken.
Getting Sovereign-Mind & Body
For those of you who have suffered trauma growing up in abusive homes or simply weren’t taught how to take care of yourself emotionally or physically, this is especially important to lean into. When you were told to trust and listen to the parent over all your own thoughts and ignore anything that came from inside your own Self.
Top 6 Tips for Picking a Great Practitioner
Happy October everybody! You know, I’ve had a lot of conversations lately with people talking about how to pick a really good healer, a really good therapist, even finding groups to participate in that offer a safe environment for healing.
One thing that comes up is how new and accepted healing modalities are these days. This is a fantastic thing!
I love that there’s a lot more discussion with people who might never have talked about having massages or even talking about what energy healing is.
Are You in Charge?! (of your health)
…By the way, if you are going to start to shift to a more whole foods plant based diet, I also will tell you that you will need less prescription medicines, less visits to the doctor, less stress about your heal the challenges because you will get better. Yep. Isn’t that the main goal, anyway? BOOM!!!”…
Sitting with Our Bodies Will Change the Healthcare System?
Written and posted by Jackie Olmstead, July 19, 2022 – I keep pondering this very troublesome topic: How are we going to change the healthcare system? As in, it’s not working as it is. You know it, your brother and mother know it. I’ve written about it, I’ve followed other healers and listened to what …
Everyone Pees in the Pool Anyway
Written and posted by Jackie Olmstead, June 25, 2022 – A little boy I met at the pool recently said to me, “Eeehh! I just pee in the pool…” and continued with telling me another story about his toys and which ones were his favorites, which ones his friends would tend to hog and then …