No More Panicking! 3 Steps Now
Published by Jackie Olmstead, Oct. 3, 2021 — You know the drill, the holidays are starting up and it’s supposed to be fun, endearing, kids happy and running around enjoying each other. But as the parent, we are also the ones to do all the responsible things like come up with ideas for the meals, gifts to bring along with us as we are also trying to manage our own households’ meals and planning. Do we have enough toilet paper??!! Oh and that possibility of needing to stock up for “supply chain breakdown”? Please stop, no more extra stress on top of stress! This can be actually MORE fun than you figured.
I have some tips for you and I sure hope it helps. We have time to get our bearings before it all really starts up. I started to panic, myself and thought, “Well, heck, should I just put up my Christmas tree tonight to get a head start and remove one thing from my big to do list???!!!” (no, don’t worry, I haven’t yet.) Now is the time to get started with the steps!

STEP ONE: Ok, so first thing is get out your calendar. Three months. You can do this. If you have a printer, print them out. It’s even better if you’ve got an online or digital calendar like Google Calendar or use Microsoft Office and can print what you’ve already got scheduled. You could also go to a place online to print generic month calendars like here (
Having a visual of what’s coming up will really help and it won’t just be tucked into your head or on your phone. And yes, you will possibly need to reprint them as events change. Put it up on your fridge or wall where everyone can see it. Let your kids see the events and help plan and remind everyone the plans that are on deck.

STEP TWO: For each gathering, contact the host about things they know they will need ahead of time. I often ask on the way to the event if they’ve forgotten anything, especially things like ice… or napkins. For potlucks, it’s great to also ask the host if they know if anyone has any dietary needs that you can keep in mind when you are planning out a particular dish that you’re going to bring.
It’s also a great time to let them know if you have any requests at all for any of your family members. These days it seems that a lot of events are hosted on Facebook event pages for some groups. Use that space to ask or post questions you need to address here. Gotta love the internet! Of course, the phone is still perfectly good.

STEP THREE: You’ve made it this far, woohooo! Let’s find some recipes if you need them. Or do you have all-time favorite recipes that you know you will be making this year? I usually get asked to make my famous anise pear cranberry sauce because it is most amazing and delicious. I also have a delectable flourless chocolate hazelnut cheesecake that always gets devoured before I leave the party. If it’s not gone by the time I leave, usually it’s because the hostess has put what was left away in her secret stash fridge.
If your hostess says, “bring dessert” or “bring a main dish” or “bring whatever you feel like” listen to that and don’t overthink it. Every potluck I’ve ever gone to, it seems that everyone tapped into what was needed and it was perfect! Best thing that I can suggest is to bring something you know that you can eat and will be happy with if that’s the only thing you ate.
Have fun this season! I’m giving you some ideas here for websites to check out for recipes: (this is from my Files section in my Plant Based Gluten Free Living Facebook group and resource section here on my website. Have you joined us yet? Get in there!) Feel free to post in our group during the holidays for suggestions or “help!” posts!
Web Sources:
WATER filtration:
Books (SO many more to read…. watch for updates!):
YumUniverse, Heather Crosby
How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger
Word Peace Diet, Dr. Will Tuttle
Much love to you and your family this holiday season! (First one is Halloween! Let’s go!)
Jackie O
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