Showing: 21 - 25 of 25 Articles

Naturally Manage Pain: Using Your Body

Published on 7/31/21 by Jackie Olmstead—We all experience pain in our lives whether it’s chronic or acute. Wouldn’t you like to know some tips to help alleviate pain, whether it’s permanent or recurring assistance to your system? When I say chronic, I mean that our bodies are reacting to long term damage from an injury …

Next Step: Substitutions, How & What to Choose

Published 7/24/2021 by Jackie Olmstead — You’re on your way home from going to the store, you’ve got a smile on your face because you’re going to be making the supper of the century! But when you get home and unload your beautiful haul and look at your recipes you realize that you forgot a …

You Said, “Just Make It Easy, Jackie!”

Published July 17, 2021 by Jackie Olmstead Good day to you, Dear One! OK!!!! I totally hear you on this! So if I were to do a call with you and you needed a major jumpstart, hookup, get you going NOW with gluten free plant based living… This is what it looks like. I even did …

Discovering Your Inner Teacher

Published July 3, 2021 “Clear thinkers try to find the causes, while the average look for escapes from effects.” — Dr. Randolph Stone, Health Building. Our bodies ARE our teachers. When we ask what is wrong and we can actually listen, we will hear things that can help us understand how to get better. And …

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor… Away?

Published by Jackie Olmstead, June 26, 2021. How is your day going, my friend? During my meditation this morning, as I usually do, I write down my thoughts that come to mind. I was thinking about you and my new website. How can I really start to tell you all the things that I want …