Written and posted by Jackie Olmstead, Monday, November 4, 2024
Awareness is the first step. We have all heard the expression especially if we have been around the twelve step community. It is actually a very loving approach to healing. In that, we cannot heal overnight. Sometimes it might feel like that, but to have that expectation is too much for most people. Gentle, take your time, we are all in this, there is great love for you, you’ve got this, I’ve got you.
This is the second part of my “What on Earth Is Happening, Momma?” series where I’m discussing all the changes in humanity, earth, awareness and the physical realm that we call home. I welcome your perceptions as well. Feel free to comment or send me direct messages.

Today I’m addressing the financial reform and the time of adopting new paradigms of wealth. It is a most welcome transition as you all know, our global way of earning and or acquire money or currency as we know it is changing.
Thank goodness, as a lot of the world has felt the oppression of a greater force ruling over the masses. Here’s the kicker, we have been in control the whole time. There is a lot of theories and writing out there all about it and I do not need to go into it in my little corner of the word.
However, I always allude to all the things going on our there so that it is called out. I also do not want to be silenced for speaking the truth as so many of my truth-seekers friends out there have been. My role has always felt like I am the person knowing and learning and pointing to something that might help you without necessarily spelling it all out.
I leave that to you, my friend, to investigate with an open mind (do you hate that expression now?) I will always be happy to refer you to more leaders who dive deep.

We are going to be okay. Did I mention that? That is always the message I have had for humanity since I was a kid. I reassured mom and dad when I was little when they were panicking about some thing or another. They would look at me and say, “How do you know, Jackie???” I just said, “I don’t know how but I just know.” I suppose my determination in my voice made them realize that I DO know.
I think that the greatest shift (besides the currencies of the world transforming) is the movement to a more spiritual mindset type of abundance.
People are becoming more aware of their feelings around situations, trusting their instincts whereas in the past, it was looked at like it was ridiculous.
I have had a longer time relearning who my true self is because of all the familial conditioning to not trust the insides and to only listen to those around me. I’m positive that many of you will relate.
I’m sure that you have seen many articles, posts and a lot of social media content talking about how to attract wealth, ask you about learning to create your abundance. Definitely Bob Proctor had a massive influence on the abundance mindset, of which I have studied.

Many people who have studied his work have taken it too far where they actually turn away people for exploring their own path, intuitively knowing what is best for them instead of what they are offering. I’ve experienced shocking negative narcissistic behaviors in the business world.
Not all the people who study this form of mindset are in this category, but I am mentioning it because I have experienced it first-hand. I still read Mr. Proctor’s work and appreciate all the teachings including his son’s book (Brian Proctor). Certainly the classic “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill is extremely powerful (the lineage of teaching that Bob Proctor comes from).
My journey has been about my own path and exploration around how I can best serve humanity with my skills. I believe that this is what humanity is truly doing, exploration and birthing of their true self. This includes how we earn money, how we fund this journey we are on.

You can’t talk about money if you don’t mention the explosion of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology and decentralization. I’m fascinated by it and the best explanation I’ve heard is by Mike Maloney. Be sure to watch his series on the history of currency and money on YouTube. Fascinating! I will be watching it again in the future. I do regret not buying BitCoin when it was first offered. Have you seen it’s massive growth since inception?
Inflation around the world: Apparently some sources are saying that 80% of the world’s countries were experiencing much higher than pre–lockdown “normal” inflation. (World Population Review, Visual Capitalist, IMF)
There is a significant shift in the number of people deciding to create their own economies and businesses especially since the lockdowns.
This is our time! I believe we are in a great birthing time of our Selves and also our way of life. I welcome you to talk about what your experience has been in the past few years around your abundance and mindset around it.

My best advice: Do your thing, momma. Get as healthy as you can. Be mindful, eat as close to the food source that you can and move it, get moving physically. So that when rough and tumble comes around, you can weather it much better.
Have the most blessed day!