In all that I do, I believe in challenging the status quo. I believe in trusting our bodies to heal themselves. The way I challenge the status quo is by teaching clean living by what we eat, what we allow around us and all that supports our bodies to heal themselves.
Do you feel overwhelmed about how to feel better?
Are you stressed out about what kinds of food to buy, how to prepare it? Do you have a health condition that you think is permanent?
Have you been to the regular doctors and get no where except for “this is the way it is”? Sometimes, you just give up. Maybe doubt yourself that you’ll ever feel better and even have no idea what it feels like to be di-sease-free?
I have been there! I have stood in the aisle at my grocery store and just sobbed, feeling completely hopeless about how to figure it all out. I felt like giving up many times.
I am here for those of you who are ready to know and understand your dis-ease, to move beyond being in pain all the time or feeling uncomfortable and to know for certain that you can absolutely feel better, and not only that but come to love why you were not feeling good in the first place.
Get to know your dear soul and body.
Recover your innate health that your body has been attempting to return to for a long time.
Every day it has been healing itself and sending messages to you but if you didn’t understand its language, you wouldn’t know what it’s been trying to say.
You probably have continued to do the things and also not paused to listen. Forgive yourself now. You probably didn’t know.
I have gone through this healing process for myself to heal my own asthma and hypoglycemia.
No, it’s not for everyone! But for those who are so tired of not being well, I am offering you my time, my hands and my unique skill set to help you know you and help your body remember its original state of well-being. Let’s start.
Book a slot. (Skip all this and contact me through my page, click here)
In person or long distance, both are equally effective and loving.
Healing the body through polarity therapy, I offer another powerful way to help your body remember how to heal itself! Book a session today, click here!
A bit of my story:
I was born in the 60s
I came into this world a natural healer and light worker. Always looking to empower others & herself, I embraced metaphysical studies, art and the constant pursuit of learning new things. I am a polarity therapist, Reiki Master Teacher, graphic designer, photographer, writer.
My initiation into clean living began in 1990 when I quit alcohol, and then in 1999, smoking. In 2014, depression and extremely low and constant fatigue brought me to the doctors.
Bloodwork tells all
In January 2015, the hematologists, general practitioners, and gastroenterologist found that even though I was eating a very well-balanced and mostly organic diet, I had celiac disease, which was the source of the anemia, fatigue and extreme depression.
Truth in food
After finding out that an immediate change in food had to happen, I learned as much as possible how to eat a gluten-free life in the simplest way as possible. In processed foods, gluten was everywhere, but in preparing food at home, and understanding how to read labels and asking questions at restaurants, it became even simpler.
Amazingly, my bloodwork returned completely to normal within a year and I got off the anti-depressants that assisted my recovery. The natural progression of truth in our foods led me to eliminate all animal products from my diet as well in January of 2016.
Working with my coach back then, I was able to heal my asthma and hypoglycemia. Using mindfulness, polarity and reiki therapies on myself along with journaling, meditation and breathwork, I began to notice a pattern of when my asthma would attempt to reappear.
Affirmations from Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life and my own life truths revealed to me that when I addressed the emotions (fears) that came up in life, I could speak to my body and soul in that moment and the asthma symptoms would stop immediately.
I use this technique any time I need to confront any health issue that might come up. It is the greatest form of compassion for yourself.
I am compelled to give back to the world.
Join my VIP mailing list to be sure to be up-to-date with our events, FREE recipes, mindfulness exercises and more! http://www.theglutenqueen.com All portraiture photography by James Lewis Photography.
Jackie Olmstead, Earth Momma, Healing Arts Practitioner
(living steroid and inhaler-free since 2015)