
What Do You Experience with Art?

Written and posted by Jackie Olmstead, Monday, July 21, 2024 –Why do we buy things? Specifically, let’s talk about things that are beautiful, interesting, surprising pieces of a visual creation that is art. (click here for the corresponding PODCAST)

I’m going to tell you why I love to buy art myself and why you might as well. Have you bought any really cool prints or original pieces that are framed? You know, even little antique objects that you find at your local store or online still count in my book. 

Stuff you might have forgotten. 

I have been finding that there are things that I love in life and it seems common to just push things aside unconsciously just simply because of time or the busy-ness of my daily life.

I want to wake that part of you up and say, “HEY! YOU! Lover of things that you love!!! Wake up for a few minutes while you read my article. You won’t regret it because I’m going to poke at your senses and remind you what you love, what inspires you, what makes you remember what you cherish the most in life. Only you know, but my job is to remind you of your DIVINITY, remember?!” 

ahahha You don’t remember probably because there’s a great chance that you haven’t read my “bio” or my “tagline” or other parts of my regular marketing. But that’s ok, you will eventually remember and see that that’s what I end up doing in my writings and my social media, truly.

I know you know.

Remember the time that you walked by some painting on the wall, somewhere even like your doctor’s office. Strange, I know, because typically you don’t think that you will see or expect anything that catches your eye like that. 

However, one thing that I would love to do is WAKE UP your awareness of things around you. Anyhoo, what I’m asking is, have you ever just stopped by a painting and had no specific thoughts but you had some kind of warm, thoughtful or curious feelings in your chest. That’s the exact moment I’m talking about. The thing right in front of you is communicating something to you from the artist that has no words. Even if the piece had a title, it may or may not matter. 

That’s my #1 reason for loving art.

The unquestionable ability for communication and receiving of a message or an idea or an emotion. It could be any of the emotions. Sadness, love, arousal, anger, fear, disgust, joy, satiety. 

Here is my perspective on what I give to my own artwork that I put out to the world:

  1. You get to “see” into and feel the encapsulation of “madness” and that which is disconnected from our so-called regular life frequencies. I’m talking about the dark and also the light, which are both part of the yin-yang of life. 

What I imbue into my art is simply either a shape, form, emotion or movement that I see in front of my eyes right before putting my india ink marker to the paper or canvas. Sometimes I draw it out when I’m on an appointment or on a phone call “doodling” but the energies are put into this small drawing, I take it home and then if I feel called to it, I will draw it out on a larger paper so that I can then paint it.

  1. Artists create a safe space for this “messy-ness”. It’s only on this piece of art and wherever you place it in your home or business, it’s simply a peek into that energy but it doesn’t convert your WHOLE space, just that window into it and your guests or clients become simply observers into it without having to commit to the WHOLE energetic assimilation of their life. 

A peek or a glimpse is sometimes just enough to allow someone to experience that artist’s intention and ponder its meaning for themselves.

  1. In art, you energetically get to receive the higher frequencies of divinity, depending on, of course, which artist you are connecting to. I highly recommend following and taking home on the pieces that make you feel elevated and loved or any of the other higher frequency emotions. 
  2. Lastly, the thing I love the most about art is that it is non-verbal. Like what poetry does, how it expresses life in simpler terms, and without words.

Have you had that experience?

I would love to hear from you about specific instances about art that you have either purchased or that you have simply seen and were able to stop to receive its message or emotional response.

I have a couple recommendations about how you can savor the piece even more:

  1. If there are people or animals in it, what are they doing? Who are they looking at, if at all? What expression do they have on their face? 
  2. If it is geometric, what do the shapes remind you of? How are the shapes organized? Is there color? If there is color, what do the colors remind you of?
  3. Look around the whole piece (painting or photograph). Are there any seemingly small parts that catch your eye?
  4. After you walk away from the piece, are you still thinking about it? Did you love the frame but not the art itself? Did you take a photo of it for later? 

Art is one of my absolute favorite subjects to write or talk about. It is all around us. After studying graphic design and working in the business since 1990, I have a very sharp eye to typography, how letterforms are published or painted and other languages’ glyphs.

I do not judge things as much any more because I truly believe that a beautifully designed 1950’s gas station sign can be just as appealing as a slick colorful book cover from 2024 (if not more!)

Have a beautiful day, my friends and let’s talk more about the things you love!

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